The drug to combat hair loss

Dutasteride is a drug recommended by our experts in hair diseases of the skin to treat hair loss.

Like finasteride, it inhibits the sugar-reducing enzyme 5α, responsible for converting testosterone into DHT (dihydrotestosterone). This leads to changes in the growth stage of the hair follicles.

Cm-Clinic asesora sobre el uso de dutasteride ante la caída del pelo

Treating androgenic alopecia with dutasteride

In the most common type of androgenic alopecia that causes hair loss, medical treatment with dutasteride prevents miniaturization of hair follicles. Unlike finasteride capillary mesotherapy, finasteride only inhibits type II of 5-α reductase, and dutasteride I is also inhibited, so the treatment effect is better. Although there is no doubt, to obtain the greatest security, the first step is always that our hair dermatology professionals from Punta Cana make a personalized assessment of your case.

How do I know if I have androgenetic alopecia?

In androgenetic alopecia, genetic and hormonal factors play a key role. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most common reasons for medical consultation. It affects both men and women, and is characterized by the minimization of hair follicles, resulting in significant hair loss on the forehead, top and crown.

Androgenetic alopecia has different stages. For this reason, the Hamilton-Norwood scale, which divides male androgenetic alopecia into 7 stages, is considered.

As for the diagnosis of hair loss in women, the Ludwig Scale is considered, which is divided into three levels. To make a diagnosis, our hair dermatologists performed a detailed evaluation of the case. And early diagnosis is synonymous with success.

Is dutasteride treatment effective for androgenetic alopecia?

Medications that contain dutasteride may prevent hair loss. Its function is directly on the roots by treating the hair by microinjection of dutasteride. After local anesthesia at our Punta Cana hair dermatology clinic, the procedure can be fully guaranteed. Therefore, the intervention is completely comfortable and painless.

With this antiandrogen drug, the hair follicles become thicker.
The duration of the intervention is about 30 minutes, and the microinjection is applied in various areas such as the frontal area or the crown. Subsequently, since no follow-up care is needed, it is immediately incorporated into the routine.

Capillary mesotherapy with dutasteride is very effective because it prevents the appearance of baldness, thus maintaining the hair follicles preventing the action of hormones. For this reason, the application is generated locally, so through this hair biostimulation treatment, hair loss stops and new hair grows.

Results of treatment with dutasteride

The effect is usually visible from six months after the intervention. Because of this, it increases capillary density. In some cases, the pharmacological treatment of dutasteride can be combined with other technologies (such as capillary PRP).

In this way, in addition to stopping hair loss and increasing density, platelet-rich plasma can also reactivate growth. For this, the evaluation of our expert consultants is essential, who will provide you with a personalized diagnosis and treatment.


Cm-Clinic da mesoterapia capilar y facial para sus pacientes


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En CM-Clinic prescribimos el uso de dutasteride para evitar la caída del cabello



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